Saying Goodbye To Teaching

Last week was my final week in a public school classroom for an indefinite amount of time. I have mentioned in previous posts that I felt that teaching was my calling. In fact I mentioned in my last post that in some ways I felt as though God called me to be a teacher so that I could be in the right place for this school year.

What I didn’t mention is that with the birth of the twins we decided that it would be best for me to stay home with the girls versus going back to work. We have been blessed in that my husband’s job has improved dramatically in the past year. So much so that this won’t cause a dramatic change to our lives, however it will be an adjustment. Technically, I am only taking a one year leave of absence, but if all goes well, I may not go back.

A Change of Heart

I love teaching. I love being in the classroom and explaining things to my students. In the past five weeks, though, I feel as though God allowed my heart to change in such a way where I could truly tell that I was done. I really enjoyed this school year and I am thankful for the improvement on my past experiences.

Things were different when I returned to work. Perhaps it was my outlook in knowing that this was the end. Or maybe it was because I came back right in time for testing week. It also could have been the students that were late to school and/or class every day. The one thing I know it was, was the foul language from both children and adults. Being at work made taking care of twins seem peaceful. 

What Comes Next?

I am excited for the next year as I will be doing several different things that I had never planned on or imagined. Things that will allow me to continue to feed my love for teaching. Baby Girl is turning two next month and while she is young I am excited to work on some preschool activities with her. She has proven herself to be very smart and can recall many things and I am excited to be able to feed and grow her knowledge.

Next, I will be working with multiple home school tutorial groups where I will be providing math tutoring in a group setting. One of the tutorials is being started with some folks at my church and we are hoping that it will grow into something that is ongoing. You can read more about that here.

Also, I have started teaching English to Chinese students through a program called VIPKid. I have been doing it for about three months now on the weekends and I really enjoy it. Because of the time difference I am able to work from home while everyone is sleeping. I hoping to add in more sessions now that I am home and build up my regular students.

Finally, I will have the time to focus on this blog. Those who knew me growing up know that writing has always been one of my passions. Unfortunately, college, married life, and teaching didn’t always provide me with the time and inspiration to put into writing. Now, however, I plan to focus on that and will be sharing more about what it’s like to be a stay at home mom of twins who tutors and home schools a two-year old.

I hope you will find my future posts as exciting or interesting as I do. If you have any questions for me or any suggestions on what I should write about I would love to hear them! Please leave a comment on this post or any of my social media pages. Thanks for reading!



One response to “Saying Goodbye To Teaching”

  1. Elizabeth J Avatar
    Elizabeth J

    This is so exciting Martina!!! I’m so happy for you that it’s all falling into place!!