Marriage Discussions Of The Bible

I really enjoy talking with my husband. We always joke that when we were dating he did all the talking. Since we’ve been married it seems like I do all the talking. We know that is mainly because in the beginning we were getting to know each other.

Now, I’ll just be sharing my opinions and thoughts on things. Because he’s a very laid back guy, he often doesn’t have anything to add to the controversial topics I bring up. Conversely, if he brings up a topic of something that interests him, I usually don’t have anything to add to the conversation.

One thing I love talking to him about, however is the Bible. It’s been almost a year since he completed his preaching licensure process. But as long as we’ve been together he has read Biblical books or studied the Bible. As this happens, he often finds interesting things and will mention them to me. I love hearing his perspective on what God has brought to his attention. Because we are so different, my take on things is usually very different from his. This allows us to share things with each other and in a way minister to each other.

I can’t remember a time in my life where I’ve ever had a friend or anyone to discuss the Word of God with. Usually I’ll read something and whatever I feel like God is saying to me I’ll just go with that. Now I have the ability to check my understanding on him. Because we have mutual respect for each other, we trust what each other has to say. I know that this has helped me grow not only in my relationship with God, but also in my relationship with my husband.

The Bible says that a cord of three strands is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12). That verse is often quoted at wedding with the indication that if God is at the center of your marriage it will be difficult for your marriage to be broken. We have only been married for four years. However the times when we took our eyes off God, are the times when we’ve struggled in our relationship. When we focus on Him and what He has called us to do we don’t get distracted by the little (or sometimes big) things in life.