Tag: teach

  • Find Your Calling and Do It!

    Everybody has a calling whether they realize it or not. A calling can vary from a simple idea or field that you feel a strong desire to work with to more specific to the point that people have built business around their callings. This though hit me as I read a post on social media…

  • College Doesn’t Prepare You For These 4 Things In Teaching

    I am approaching my fifth year of teaching. This will be a defining moment in my career. It is said that if you survive past the first five years you will likely stay in the field. Those that are going to leave teaching generally do it before the first five years are over. So for…

  • Shout Out To All The Mamas

    I want to start this post by saying that this is obviously an opinion post. I know that being a  stay-at-home versus working mama is a fairly controversial topic. Mamas on both sides are very opinionated and passionate about their feelings,  and I just wanted to share mine. My husband says I am very opinionated…

  • Summer Teaching Update: Two Decorating Items I Love

    One of the most enjoyable things about teaching is being able to decorate your classroom at the beginning of the year. Seeing the blank slate turn into a warm and friendly learning zone where your students will learn throughout the year is exciting. For me having a well-organized room helps prepare me for the beginning…

  • Appreciation for Teachers… and Others

    This week was Teacher Appreciation Week and in my four years of teaching I have gained an extreme appreciation for those in the teaching profession. If you are a teacher you are familiar with all of the different professional who make a school successful. So I thought I would write this tribute to the amazing…

  • Four Ways to Have the Most Enjoyable and Productive Spring Break

    As a teacher, spring break is a highly anticipated and much awaited time of year. I know most of us spend the time after New Year’s counting down the days and weeks until we have another break from the daily grind. For me, though, I always have thoughts of the things that I would like…

  • How I Solved the Pencil Battle in My Classroom and Stopped Stressing

    If you are a teacher at any level you know exactly what this is. Every day, in every class there is at least 1 and up to 10 students who shout out “I don’t have a pencil” right while you’re in the middle of teaching. It’s frustrating and disappointing at the same time. However, I…