Tag: birthday

  • An Ice Cream Sundae 1st Birthday Party

    I began thinking about the twins’s first birthday party before they were six months old. It’s kind of crazy, I know, but I’m a planner. I wanted something that would be a little unique for twins. Most of my searching found Dr. Suess’ Thing 1/Thing 2 which I just wasn’t feeling. So when I came…

  • One Awesome Day At Sesame Place | An Honest Review

    As a parent I am all about experiences over material things. Which is why for my daughter’s second birthday I wanted to take her to Sesame Place in Langhorne, PA instead of having a birthday party. My second reason is because my parents took my siblings before I was born and I never went as…

  • Reflections on Summer 2017: Learning To Trust

    I know I have done an awful job writing this summer. I thought since I have more time that I would get more writing done and not less. It’s actually the opposite. I work well with structure. My summer was completely unstructured so it was hard to make myself sit down and write. Also, being…

  • Reflections On A First Year Of Life

    Yesterday was my daughter’s first birthday. Since I started this blog back in April, I have had the mental battle of trying to decide if I would eve write about her birth story. This week especially I have gone back and forth with myself. At this time I am not going to write it, mainly…