Tag: birth story

  • When My Twins Were Born – Part 2

    This post is a continuation of my twins’ birth story. I left off at “my twins were born healthy” and that was the end. But unfortunately that wasn’t then end for me. Surgery Both girls came out with great cries, which was exciting to hear. Within a few minutes they were cleaned up and brought…

  • When My Twins Were Born – Part 1

    I can hardly believe my twins are one year old today. I can still remember what it felt like to be in the hospital a year ago and the whole road to them being born. Two days ago I made this post on my Facebook page: On this day, one year ago I woke up…

  • Dealing With Envy

      It is really easy, when things aren’t going your way to look at others and begin to envy them. How easy we forget how blessed we are when faced with a temporary struggle. Envy is something I’ve always struggled with. I remember a time back when I was a little girl and my mom…