My Top 4 Favorite Products for Twins as Babies

Before becoming pregnant with twins I did not realize that there were so many specifically twin products in the world. As I began to read and do research my mind was opened to all of the wonderful things we could buy to make our lives easier when caring for two new babies. However, since we could not buy everything it was important to sort through what we really needed.

I will be honest and say that there were a few things I bought that I never used because they just did not work for me. So I wanted to share this post for what items I purchased that made my life of caring for twins just a little bit easier. I am going to attempt to put them in the order of which I love the most, but the first two are probably tied.

1. The Twin Z Pillow

Bottle feeding twins using the Twin Z Pillow.This is similar to a Boppy pillow but with two loops made for twins. I heard about it soon after finding out I was having twins but after looking at the price was not sure if I could justify the expense. Then I heard about a Mom of Multiples (MoMs) sale in my area and happened to find one there for less than half price. Score! So I cleaned that bad boy up and have loved it ever since.

When we first brought the twins home it was a perfecting resting place for them both. We would lay them in there within arm’s reach and still be able to play with M (my oldest daughter). It was also an excellent place for the many photo shoots that happened over the past 6 months. They are now slightly too big for it, but I still use the pillow as a resting spot for photos every now and then.

One of the main features of the pillows was a way to feed both babies at the same time. I have read about some people having success at tandem nursing using the pillow. When they were small I did have success bottle feeding both in the pillow. It took a little bit of work to get it set up in a usable way but once you did it was very helpful when you had two hungry babies and only one adult available.

2. The Baby Brezza Formula Pro

Baby Brezza Formula Pro MachineSo I said that I loved my top two equally, but it’s in different ways. The Twin Z I love because of the emotional connection of seeing my little 5 pound babies in it. But the Baby Brezza I love for how it saved our lives. If you’ve never heard of it, the Baby Brezza makes formula bottles automatically. As in, a warm baby bottle made in 15 seconds! With one baby, mixing up a bottle was no sweat, but in the middle of the night with two hungry babies mixing two bottles was a pain. We even did liquid for a while, but it had to be refrigerated and then warmed. This makes warm bottles in 15 seconds!

Again, I had heard about this thing before the twins were born, but I had hoped to be able to breastfeed. When that didn’t work out we started with the liquid formula so this wasn’t a thought. But when we switched to powdered because it was cheaper I started thinking about it again. Then we went to the DC Baby Show where they had one on display and I was sold. But once again the price tag wasn’t worth it so I started looking on Facebook Marketplace. I finally found one for less than half price in my area and we never looked back.

This thing works with any type of formula. You just look up your brand on their website and it will tell you what setting to use. There are a few maintenance things to consider such as cleaning the spout daily and the machine monthly to keep it mixing properly. But those are minor in comparison to the time we save on a daily basis. I am not exaggerating when I say it seriously saved our lives.

3. Target Diaper Subscription

I actually started my diaper subscription sometime during M’s first year. We had gotten a TON of diapers for her shower and because they were in various sizes we only had to supplement here and there. But once she hit around a size two or three we were buying them regularly and it made sense to see how we could save money on diapers. Many places offer subscribe and save discount and I know that many people use Amazons, however at the time I only like certain brands. The name brands that I preferred on Amazon could not compare to Target’s Up and Up Brand diapers.

The twins originally started in preemie sized diapers that we were buying here and there because we did not want to stock up since we knew that they would be out of them very soon. Once they hit Newborn, however, we added them to our subscription. It is a life saver knowing that I don’t have to worry about running out of diapers and I can budget for them separately. We have also been blessed to have some family members do diaper subscriptions as well so we have diapers delivered almost every week.

If you have a Target RedCard, your first order is delivered within two days and all of your subscriptions ship free on the timeline you choose. We have ours delivered every 4 weeks, but you could get more cases at a time and have them delivered less often. We get an email a few days before they ship so if we need to change the size or skip that shipment we can.

4. Baby Trend Snap-N-Go Double StrollerFirst Stroller Ride in the Baby Trend Double Snap-N-Go Stroller

There are two brands that make a stroller similar to this: Baby Trend and Joovy. When I was making my registry I watched this video comparing the two. I loved that with the Baby Trend the babies were facing me rather than the outside world. This is a big deal because with twins you are constantly stopped when out because people want to see them. This stroller allows a little bit more privacy from onlookers.

I also love that this stroller has a huge storage space. I have been able to fit both of the giant diaper bags that I have used under there along with shopping bags when we’re out. It is easy to steer with one hand and I generally don’t have problems getting through stores unless I underestimate how long it is. Which happens… often! This stroller is universal and only works with infant car seats (but it works with any brand). This was another plus for the Baby Trend brand, because with the Joovy stroller you have to buy adapters for your specific car seat brand. We were blessed to receive this as a shower gift and it has definitely been one of our most used items. I will be sad when it is time to say goodbye to this stroller, which is approaching very soon.


If you have twins, what was your favorite product for when they were babies? Let me know in the comments.

