Find Your Calling and Do It!

Everybody has a calling whether they realize it or not. A calling can vary from a simple idea or field that you feel a strong desire to work with to more specific to the point that people have built business around their callings. This though hit me as I read a post on social media of an acquaintance that was hurting over something they had dealt with on their job. I thought to myself “I could never do that job.” Then I’ve thought back to the times over the last five years when I tell people my career and they said the same thing to me.

Teaching is my calling. I don’t know that I would be successful doing anything else. There have been bad days where my class is out of control and I sit at my desk and think what else could I possible do with a BA in math? Most options require sitting behind a desk for 8 hours. I did that for two years in college and I don’t ever want to do it again. Teaching is where I belong. It’s where God wants me. 

I am in a place now where I am able to open my classroom for ministry. I sat in my packed classroom on Friday watching a young person that I watched grow up share a testimony with other young people. It made me think, “What if God called me to teaching for this moment; this school year?” I decided it would be worth it. All of the struggles through college and the past five years would be worth it to see God work in the lives of young people.

I have said this to my husband that I have always prayed and allowed God to open the door at the schools I’ve worked in. Looking back on my short career so far, I am able to see His hand in my life and my career. There have been people I have met and situations I have dealt with that have prepared me for the position I am currently in. I am able to use those experiences to be who God wants me to be.

The final thing I want to say is this. Since I have been pregnant, this time and the last time, I have been asked what I’m going to do in regards to teaching once Baby Girl and now the twins are formed. I hope this gives a clearer picture to those that have asked the question. I do not feel that God has called me to give up my career at this time. Maybe at some point He will, but until then my place is in the classroom. I hope and pray that everyone can find a calling of God like this and follow Him into it.
