As I was rocking baby girl to sleep I was reminded of how blessed I am. Not only with the life that God has provided for me, but also the people that he has allowed in my life. I was reminded of all of the times in the past few years that the generosity of others has been a blessing to us.
Last year specifically, I was 9 months pregnant in late June when I realized that our air conditioning wasn’t functioning like it was supposed to. We contacted someone from our church and he came out later that day. In fact he came three times, one of them being late one evening after church. When we were back up and running he refused payment. We were so grateful. Even if we would have had to pay, he went out of his way to take care of us.
Thinking along those lines had me thinking of ways that I have been or could be a blessing to others. Some are simple things, for example I was walking in a store last week and I noticed a man drop his wallet and continue walking. I quickly pointed it out to him before he got to far because I know how devastating that could be.
Another option if you are good in the kitchen is making food for others. When I was young and had lots of time on my hands (ha ha) I would always volunteer to help provide food for different things. Last year after having Baby Girl I was blessed to receive meals for almost two weeks! It was so nice knowing that I wouldn’t have to cook dinner and we often had leftovers for lunch.
Finally, the best option for being a blessing to someone else is through prayer. When you are going through a difficult time, there is nothing more comforting than knowing that people are praying for you. This is something that costs nothing except a little bit of your time and you are benefitted by adding to your relationship with God.
I hope this has gotten you thinking about how to be a blessing to others. It certainly has for me as I have spent my summer enjoying myself and focusing on me. Now I am ready to begin giving back again.